Ideals, stories, and accounts of the period of Rajab

The period of Rajab and the custom of Konda

By: ✍️ Maulana Raees Ahmad Arshi Kaleri

Rajab is one of the four months that Allah All-powerful has pronounced as blessed months, however tragically, certain individuals disregard its holiness and righteousness and have related with it a few customs that are a long way from Islam. Not related, they additionally have one of the customs "Rasm Konda" which is commended on the 22nd of this current month. What is the truth of this custom? When and for what reason did it begin? It is a mind boggling subject with a strange history of aggression toward Muawiya, to comprehend understanding its verifiable background it is fundamental.

It ought to be known that as indicated by the prediction of the Courier of Allah, harmony and gifts of God arrive, the preliminaries began a couple of days after the demise of the Prophet, harmony and favors arrive. On the third side, the wolves in sheep's clothing began spreading their hair and on the fourth side, the Jews and Christians heightened their enemy of Islamic exercises, with the goal that Islam was encircled by enticements from all sides, and the adversaries of Islam tried to annihilate Islam in different ways. Simultaneously, the Shia faction appeared, whose maker and pioneer was Abdullah Ibn Saba Yemeni, who was a supporter of the Jewish religion and the fiercest foe of Islam and had areas of strength for a with the developers of Islam, the Partners of the Prophet (may Allah be satisfied with them), he was exceptionally underhanded.

Ideals, stories, and accounts of the period of Rajab
Ideals, stories, and accounts of the period of Rajab
As it were, under the front of Hab Ali, he began laying out and arranging this group by making the partners of Bozh as a base. The Courier of Allah, may God favor him and award him harmony, had proactively given the insight about the rise of this faction and cautioned the Ummah by saying:
The Siati country is an illustration to us and we are not to fault for it. (Signs of Right Shareh Urdu Mishka Al-Masabih) Interpretation: Soon there will be certain individuals who will tear down my Buddies and pick apart them, so you shouldn't connect with them, nor eat and drink with them, nor wed with them. (Sharh Mishkawa page 283 volume 8 Allama Qutbuddin Dehlavi) What's more, in Darqutni, it is described from Hazrat Ali himself that the Prophet, may God favor him and award him harmony, tended to him and said: On Ali, on the power of the Prophet, harmony and favors of God arrive, he said: Sayyati, of the future, he shared with us, ''Rifada, in the event that we remember them, we kill them, then, at that point, we are polytheists.''

Before long a gathering will emerge after me which will be called Rafizi, so in the event that you track down them, kill them, since they will be polytheists. Will show up extremely high by things that are not in you. What's more, they will revile the Colleagues. (articulated right) As per the pronouncement of the Prophet, these individuals showed up in the hour of the Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman, may Allah be satisfied with him, and they kept on creating in a mystery way under coordinated connivances and bit by bit expanded their numbers, even very soon they appeared as a development in the Country of Islam. Begin the contemplation. At the point when Caliph Waqt came to be familiar with their exercises, he reproved them and ousted their chief Ibn Saba from Madinah, giving up all hope of Madinah, he went to Kufa, Basra, Egypt, and so forth and subsequent to arriving at places far away from the capital. He escalated his schemes and proceeded with the disobedience to the public authority and individuals of the public authority. At the hour of Caliph, Hazrat Uthman Ghani, may Allah be satisfied with him, made different allegations, calling him a usurper and a deceiver, and he was martyred by making an exceptionally underhanded, deliberate and broad publicity against him.

After Hazrat Uthman, the crown of caliphate was put on the head of Hazrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu, however by similar misleading darlings called Shia-e-Ali, who had no adoration for Hazrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu, nor any compassion toward Islam, yet their objective. It was to obliterate the Caliphate of Islam, he kept on contradicting Hazrat Ali, may Allah be satisfied with him, and turned into a snare of connivances by changing his structures, lastly, he was martyred by contradicting a choice of Hazrat Ali may Allah be satisfied with him. done. Then, at that point, for a long time he stayed a cerebral pain for Hazrat Hasan and kept on treating him similarly. Endeavors to kill were made, the declaration of which is likewise present in the Shia books. It is described by Zayd Ibn Wahib Jahni in fight at Tabarsi that Hazrat Hasan container Ali, may God be satisfied with him, made a vow and said:
He said, "By Allah, Mu'awiya really does right by me, and I'm a devotee to individuals of Khair." (Ihtaj Tabarsi, distributed in Iran, p. 148) Interpretation: By God, I consider Muawiya better than the people who call themselves my Shia, they planned to kill me, looted my means, and removed my riches. By Allah, from Muawiya. It is better for me to pursue an understanding that will safeguard my life and my family members than that the Shia ought to kill me. What's more, the expressions of a Shia custom are:
"They constrained him to bury the hatchet with Mu'awiya" Interpretation: And he stressed and constrained them to the point that they reconciled with Hazrat Muawiyah. (Jalaa Al-Ayun Allama Baqir Majlisi)

Along these lines, being upset by the abundances of the Shias, he, may God be satisfied with him, left the caliphate and shared the caliphate with Hazrat Muawiya. Hazrat Mu'awiyah (RA) was an exceptionally savvy chief, a comprehension director, an individual who knew the subjects and was recognized in his regulatory capacity, administrative capacity and political understanding since the hour of the ProphetSeeing his authority capacity, Hazrat Umar provided him with the title of Kisrai Middle Easterner. Also, since Farooqi's time, he stood firm on the foothold of legislative head of Syria and kept on driving there effectively for a long time. When Hazrat Muawiya rose the privileged position, the political states of the nation were very unsteady, a wide range of seditions were occurring, the underlying foundations of Shia subversion had become areas of strength for very they were making advances into Islam by changing their techniques, despite the fact that They were isolated into many parts because of inward confusion, yet every one of them had a similar vision and goal. And every one of them were more dynamic than one another in enemy of Islamism. In such conditions, it was fundamental for the new government to initially find a positive and substantial way to end the resistance and to take a firm position in discarding the degenerate.

How could it be for an insightful individual like Hazrat Muawiyah to overlook this vital government and disregard the double-dealing of subversion, so when he came to drive, he thought of it as important to manage dissidence and defiance and a cross country mission to stifle malicious components. Yelled and started to find and kill the agitators (Shias) and rebuff them, so numerous Shias were killed and reached their kafirdar and certain individuals self-isolated because of a paranoid fear of discipline or demise. Also, he considered it propitious to save his life by hiding his religion (Taqiya). A Shia history specialist composes portraying what is going on around then. "The property and assets of Shia Ali were seized, they were killed and they were so savagely treated that nobody could call themselves a Shia."
From the previously mentioned custom, it was realized that numerous Shias were killed and self-isolated and the individuals who remained were so alarmed and apprehensive that they quit calling themselves Shias.

These individuals obviously turned out to be tranquil, yet as a matter of fact the fire of malignance in their souls was all the while consuming. Also, they were clamoring against them like snakes and frantically hanging tight for redemption and liberation from their administration. Thus, following twenty years of extremely effective rule, this incredible mastermind of the country of Islam left the world on 22/Rajab 60 AH. To Allahﷻ we have a place and to Him we will return. What might have been more glad for the supporters of Muawiya ( رَضِي الله تَعَالَى عَنهُ ) than that their human adversary was at this point not on the planet, so they praised the insight about Muawiya ( رَضِي الله تَعَالَى عَنهُ )'s demise with incredible satisfaction and as an outflow of bliss, sweet tikkis (loaded with chickens). They made and took care of one another to fulfill their interests, and this was done covertly and furtively from the Sunnis. The inquiry emerges with regards to why this activity was kept mystery and why they didn't straightforwardly communicate their satisfaction on the passing of Muawiya ( رَضِي الله تَعَالَى عَنهُ ).

Maulana Abdul Ali Farooqi composes the justification behind this: "Since around then Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama'at ( اہل سنت والجماعت ) were prevailing and they couldn't bear the affront of the associates of the Prophet Mohammad ﷺ and the outflow of bliss on his demise, so the Rafizis covertly made Tikis in their own homes and split them between themselves subtly. However, by communicating his bliss, he gave confirmation of the animosity of the Associates. Afterward, when the conversation began, he credited it to Imam Jafar Sadiq in an exceptionally clever way. (Prologue to Shia religion p. 158) This is the motivation behind why this ceremonial has a limitation right up to the present day that the konda tikkis are cooked in a mystery place. Then, at that point, they are painstakingly covered and the Fatiha is likewise brought to a dull spot. And afterward they are taken care of with the drapery. However, proceeding, when the fresh insight about this connivance came to the Sunnis and this mystery was uncovered, the Shias went to Imam Jafar Sadiq's Fatiha to conceal their wrongdoing. This is the beginning and truth of this custom. In which unwittingly a few unskilled Sunnis are likewise taking part. What's more, they play out this custom as an issue of religion and award. What's more, they don't realize that this is an illustration of Muawiya ( رَضِي الله تَعَالَى عَنهُ )'s disdain in the cloak of center Ali ( رَضِي الله تَعَالَى عَنهُ ).
Month to month Darul Uloom Deoband ( دارالعلوم دیوبند ), Number 07, Volume: 93 Rajab 1430 AH as of July 2009

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